April 25, 2024
  • Soccer

    The Ten Greatest Soccer Nations

    The greatest soccer nations in the history of the sport, ranked by overall success on the world stage across generations. Rankings take into account World Cup, Confederation, Euro, Copa America, and Olympic finishes, as well [...]
  • Movies

    The 100 Greatest Entertainers To Die Young

    The 100 greatest entertainers to die young.  For musicians, even those with occasional film credits (Tupac, Elvis, Prince), see our upcoming music deaths list.  Not counting wrestlers (with apologies to Roddy Piper) or those that [...]
  • Football

    The All Time College Football Power Rankings

    The greatest college football schools in NCAA history, ranked by national titles, all time win percentage, sustained excellence across generations and NFL alumni. 1)  Alabama Crimson Tide- 17 claimed national championships (12 national polls) and 39 bowl victories. First [...]
  • Uncategorized

    The 50 Best New England Breweries

    The 50 best breweries in New England right now.  While it’s really all about the beer, additional considerations were given to distribution reach, influence, taproom vibe, and artwork. Tree House (Charlton, MA)  Founded by Dean [...]
  • Movies

    The 100 Greatest Modern Directors

    The 100 greatest directors in modern film. Works that best typify each artist’s talents are loosely ranked within.  (Must have at least one 21st Century theatrical film to be considered “modern.”) Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999): 2001: [...]





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